
A two-day hands-on training on the practical application of the four major Western ethical concepts.
Exciting Ethics
A two-day hands-on training on the practical application of the four major Western ethical currents.
You will learn that there are ethical theories that structure our gut feeling. You can quickly learn the essentials, enrich your language with the crucial concepts, and thus make considerations more balanced.
We learn the background of some of the concepts, rules and principles from the major Western ethical schools, and you learn to recognise them in opinion polls, newspaper articles and blogs, where you immediately recognise which ethical theory has prevailed. You learn how to use the other theories to come up with a richer range of options, and how to make a better assessment than when you only think one-dimensionally.
We reflect on values and norms, and what emotions have to do with them. You get a few hangers to better communicate about things that affect your sense of justice. You will be better able to maintain dialogue if you know what binds emotions and values.
Crucial concepts such as freedom, autonomy and responsibility become very concrete if we can reflect about them for a moment.
You learn a simple 4-step method for moral consideration. A concrete exercise in moral deliberation shows how to make a comprehensive, well-considered assessment around a very practical ethical issue.
And we make a concise link to the application of all this in organisations. Not rocket science, but a very practical approach.

Ethics in organisations
A follow-up training on “Exciting Ethics”: you will learn how to apply that knowledge to sharpen your mission, your policies, and your codes of conduct and improve the personal ethical skills of your team members.
Ethics in organisations
Follow-up training on “Ethics”: you will learn how to apply that knowledge to sharpen your mission, your policy, your codes of conduct and the personal ethical skills of your team.
You have already completed the two-day ‘Ethics’ programme ; on this third day you will apply it to organisations.
We go deeper into the value patterns of companies, and how you can map them out.
You will learn how to sharpen the mission, the core values and the vision, based on some of the previously learned ethical concepts. We take a moment to look at the purpose economy.
After that it is about codes of conduct and charters, what they should at least contain, the pitfalls, and the external sector standards and audit standards.
In between, we practice a moral deliberation on a real life work situation.
We then tackle policy aspects, personnel policy and marketing, but also the organisational structure.
And finally, we learn how to sharpen the individual ethical skills of your employees, so that you can grant autonomy, install self-directed teams, and still be sure that the ethical bar is set high enough; but above all: your employees must continue to think for themselves, and not just apply codes of conduct, because no code of conduct can grasp all the situations they will encounter in real work experiences.
All this should enable you to raise the integrity of your organization to a higher level.

Ethics for adolescents
A short basic training in ethics, focused on the world of adolescents.
Ethics for adolescents
Ideally, this short training of half a day should follow a moral deliberation with the same group of adolescents (15-22 years).
This programme provides them with a concise theoretical background in the moral reasoning conducted in that moral deliberation.
They learn a number of workable basic concepts from the major Western ethical schools, so that they will be able to better express their previously expressed gut feeling in the future.
Together, they recognise a number of these concepts in current positions on social issues.
We reflect on values and norms, and what emotions have to do with them. And they learn how to do justice to emotions in their communication without blowing up bridges.
They learn a simple 4-step method for moral consideration.
Not rocket science, but a very practical approach.
Moral Deliberation

Moral deliberation
A guided discussion method for a group of 3 to 12 participants, on a concrete moral issue. In about two hours a team learns something about the real life problem, but also about each other.
Follow up :
Moral deliberation
“A colleague asks me by e-mail in advance not to intervene in a meeting next week, I don’t know what to reply ….”
“Should I inform that customer about that risk?”
A moral deliberation is a joint investigation into such a very specific ethical issue. It can lead to a broad-based enrichment of working agreements or policies, or to the demining of morally tense situations through better dialogue. It takes about two hours and as a team you learn something about a real life problem, but also about each other.
A group of up to 12 people are guided in their research to find the best balance around a concrete ethical issue in your organisation.
The method may vary depending on the (emotional) involvement of the participants in the issue, the concrete subject of the issue (e.g. a dilemma), or the time you can devote to it. Typically, a moral deliberation takes one and a half to two hours.
You can start a moral deliberation from an issue raised by one of the participants, or you can search for a topic based on your organization’s core values at the beginning of the session. In the latter case, it helps you to concretize your core values. But in any case, it has to be about something that at least one of the participants is aware of, is very concrete, and has an ethical aspect.
A moral deliberation always touches on the personal value pattern of each of the participants. It is therefore always delicate and never just casual. A moral deliberation session is interesting to understand the moral issue and reducing the moral stress surrounding it.
But it is also very useful for mutual understanding in crisis situations, for cultivating the same language around difficult issues, for group dynamics, it is an exercise in listening and dialogue, in short, it has many positive side effects.
In stress prevention policies, there should always be room for moral deliberation: just as you foresee ergonomic measures to avoid physical discomfort, an organization needs moral deliberation to prevent moral stress. As an employee, it is useful to know that if faced with a dilemma or have experienced one, I can call on the wisdom of my colleagues to nip moral stress in the bud.
The structural offer of moral deliberation is a practical action that anchors the ethical culture in an organisation.

Practical, interactive consultation moments tailored to an organisation, e.g. about how to shape an ethical policy in your organisation.
Workshops are practical, interactive consultation moments tailored to an organisation, e.g. about how to shape an ethical or integrity policy in your organisation.
The content and form of a workshop is always discussed first with the client.
It is always a practical, interactive work meeting, specifically tailored to an organisation. The working method depends on the goal (ethical awareness, crisis intervention, transfer of knowledge, brainstorming, moment of inspiration, team building, corporate culture assessment …), the participants (number, diversity, mutual relationships …), the prior knowledge and the time it is allowed.
The subjects can cover anything that is discussed in the training programmes.
For example, the workshop can deal with the implementation of your core values, the sharpening of your mission, policies or codes of conduct. But also, for example, about how to shape an ethical or integrity policy in your organisation, and how to choose what to start with.
The reason can also be a moment of crisis, or a reassessment of the corporate culture in the event of a merger. You can also start working with the results of a survey regarding the ethical motivations within your organisation.
Workshops on ethics can also be part of the action plan when implementing self-directed teams.
The possible methods range from a simple brainstorm, a 5-step InterVision, a world café, a fish bowl, to a metaplan session. In the end, a workshop can also take the form of a moral deliberation (see above).
If you are interested in this, you can contact us via the contact form or by e-mail.

Zinnings can be used to advise on ethical issues in organisations.
What’s next:
If you have a specific question within your organisation for assistance in an ethical matter, you can contact us via the contact form or by e-mail.
This can be about policy issues, raising awareness or training programmes, enriching the mission and vision, living up to codes of conduct, how to incorporate moral deliberation into your stress prevention plan, or how to live up to the core values of your organisation.
Zinnings can also provide advice in the event of organizational changes, such as a merger, reorganization, or restructuring. Then it is often useful and efficient to reassess the corporate culture and leadership and to start working with the results of a survey regarding the ethical motivations within your organization.

Do you want to share with everyone how thrilling and liberating it can be to live up to your moral standards?
Do you want to be excited about how simple it can sometimes be to find words for your moral gut feeling?
What’s next :
Zinnings can be used to enthuse employees or organisations about ethics via a keynote or a presentation.
If you would like an awareness-raising compelling presentation, we can organise it for you.
This can be about the whole story: why ethics is important but also complex, how you can learn and apply it in organisations, why it is better to start immediately and why it pays off. Or it can focus on one of these aspects.
But you can also get a short intriguing inspiration. So that everyone leaves the room (the zoom?) thinking how incredible it is that he or she has never known what “maximin” means.